Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2019

GPM Carbon ICO

GPM Carbon ICO

Financing the launch of innovative production to solve environmental problems The project relates to the real sector of the economy Uses the benefits of Blockchain technology

GPM Carbon is a part of GPM Planet group and operates with active carbon production. Due to its physical and chemical properties, activated carbon is a unique and ideal purifying (sorption) material. Currently, it is difficult to name the sector of the economy where this unique adsorbent is not used. In fact, this is the second material after iron in the breadth of its application.
The GPM-carbon project solves 3 main problems of modern society:
1) Water resources pollution. Factor leading to changes in the properties of water resources (chemical, physical and biological) as a result of human activities.
2) Soil pollution Factor affecting the accumulation of chemicals in soils and grounds as a result of economic and other activities in quantities that degrade the quality of soils and grounds and represent a potential danger to public health and the environment.
3) Contamination of food The process of contamination of food products with radionuclides and nitrates, leading to deterioration in the health of consumers of such food, their development of chronic diseases and premature death.  GPM Carbon token correlates with the physical volume of the active carbon. 1 Token = 0.1KG of Active Carbon

What is GPMCoin

GPMCoin is not subject to inflation and cryptocurrency volatility. Excellent prospects for the acquisition of GPMCoin in the early stages of the project. Full transparency of investment and implementation of all stages of the project. GPMCoin is a full token.

Participants trust

Each participant can receive finished products (activated carbon) for their purchased GPMCoin. Completely open project information. Team members went through the KYC procedure through a trusted resource.

Benefits of participating in the GPM Carbon project

For the successful implementation of the project, we have a patented innovative technology for the production of the product with the exclusive right to use it
Raw materials
Always available in the required quantity. The quality of raw materials required for the production of activated carbon is one of the best in the world.
The production of a product using our technology significantly reduces its cost compared to the cost of major global manufacturers
Ready to start production
Availability of prepared technological premises. Highly staffed staff. One hundred percent readiness to start production.

Dealing with the competition and competitors

The subject matter experts conducting the study offer a deep understanding of how prominent leaders have managed to navigate the potential buyers and competitive dynamics influencing their brand positioning in the industry The Granular Activated Carbon market analysis provides everything a business owner needs in order to succeed.

Filling in the Gaps

Study aims at providing data about key categories of dynamics such as user awareness and a buyer’s purchase intent, as well as trying to list down the relative influence of certain trends on the demand for a certain product or service.

Helping You Establish a Strong Foundation in the Industry

The Granular Activated Carbon report highlights the set of information related to pricing and the category of customers who are more than willing to pay for certain products and services. The information on opportunities as well as product features, determine which offerings or benefits command sales and identify the communications channels are used by the market leaders to create premium positioning strategies as well as attract broadest share.
Apart from the above mentioned content the researchers go an extra mile to define the distinct usage occasions and lists the customer segments to leverage the brand and identify future opportunities. Besides, the subject matter expert segment of the target customers is purely based on their consumption patterns.

Grow With the Trend

The Granular Activated Carbon helps product owners learn how certain trends will shape the growth of the Granular Activated Carbon industry over a long term. The study closely looks at the historical price pattern of various products and services and empowers entrepreneurs to form the right opinion about the future trends. According to him, business owners will be able to decide on their course of action and make a wise decision.


Stable income over the long run based on the market growth and speculative demand
Blockchain project focused on industrial products and supported by real production and cost
Job-proved market business model completely transparent at its every stage
Production start in 6 months
Ability to build long-term financial strategies, the project policy is aimed at increasing the value and popularity of the coin
Financial benefits when participating in the initial stage of the project – Pre-Sale TGE
Stable increase in the capitalization of the project – token cost increase


The entire GPM Carbon ecosystem will be rebuilt with the use of blockchain technology. This will ensure maximum flexibility and security of all transactions in the company.
At the stage of launching the product line under the GPM Carbon brand, all products will be marked and recorded in the blockchain register.



2013: Development and patenting of the kick-off technology
2015: Production complex modernization
2017: Company’s investment in the prototype
2018: Business Plan and Financial Model Development
2109: Conducting a TGE Token Generation Main Event
2020: Launching of core production facilities
2021: Formation of the GPM Carbon ecosystem using blockchain technology
2022: Introduction of the GPM Carbon’s own product line to the market





Thanks from me:
Bitcointalk username: Evan alvaro
Eth : 0x2a70D3de93dF57c4D4DCAAB56F5C671185Abf639

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019


Immobilientransaktionen einfach und für jedermann zugänglich zu machen

Blockchain ist die neueste Technologie, die das Immobilienmarketing verändern kann. Diese neueste Technologie kann auch die Methode und die Art und Weise ändern, wie wir Transaktionen durchführen. Diese Technologie wurde in mehreren wichtigen Bereichen des menschlichen Lebens eingesetzt und getestet und als die fortschrittlichste Technologie bewertet. Diese Technologie wurde als eine Beziehung zwischen Mitgliedern und Menschen in der Welt angesehen, in der jede Transaktion, die in der Welt der Blockchain-Technologie für Kryptowährungen erfolgreich war, involviert sein muss. Fans auf der ganzen Welt haben die Auswirkungen dieser Technologie gesehen, und deshalb haben sie für die Übernahme dieser Technologie in der ganzen Welt geschrien.
Verschiedene Bereiche des menschlichen Lebens haben von dieser großartigen Technologie profitiert und heute werden ihre Interessen in diesem Artikel hervorgehoben. CESTATES ist ein neues Projekt, bei dem Blockchain-Technologie eingesetzt wurde, um Transaktionen in Immobilien einfacher als je zuvor zu gestalten.
Mit der Einführung der Blockchain-Technologie werden sowohl Verkäufer als auch Käufer in der Lage sein, alle ihre Zweifel zu löschen und zu klären und weiterhin erfolgreiche Transaktionen ohne Beteiligung und Treuhanddienste in sich zu haben. Die Übernahme der Blockchain-Technologie durch das CESTATES-Projekt wird dazu beitragen, die Transaktionen zu beschleunigen und die zuvor erlebten hohen Transaktionskosten zu senken. Die Einführung der Blockchain-Technologie bedeutet die Verwendung intelligenter Verträge in der Plattform, um die Sicherheit und Nichtnachhaltigkeit zu verbessern und das Transparenzniveau der Plattform zu erhöhen. Mit der Einführung der Blockchain-Technologie wird jede Transaktion auf der CESTATES-Plattform im Blockchain-Netzwerk aufgezeichnet, auf die die Mitglieder jederzeit zugreifen können, um die Transparenz des Projekts zu erhöhen.
Über C Estates
C Estates bringt Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, um einfach Transaktionen durchzuführen und Immobilien bequem zu kaufen und zu verkaufen. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie Dokumente bestätigen, eine notarielle Beglaubigung bestätigen, das Eigentum an einem Vermögenswert bestätigen, eine Immobilie kaufen oder verkaufen oder jemanden finden, der die Immobilie verwaltet, hat C Estates alles, was Sie für Ihre Geschäfte benötigen, an einem Ort.
Unsere Mission
Immobilientransaktionen für jedermann einfach und erschwinglich machen.
C Estates- Display ist ein globaler Industriestandard für Immobilientransaktionen.
C Estates verwendet einen Tokenisierungsprozess, eine Reihe von Berechnungslogiken, die von Finanzinstituten seit langem für monetäre Vermögenswerte verwendet werden. Dieselbe Logik wie mit der erweiterten Methode, die hinzugefügt wird, wendet C Estates beim Markieren von Eigenschaften an.
Die Datensicherheit hat für uns absolute Priorität, sodass Sie sicher sind, dass alle wichtigen Informationen, die wir speichern, sicher auf unserer Plattform gespeichert und geschützt werden. Auf diese Weise können die gemeinsame Nutzung, der Abgleich und das Eigentum an gemeinsam genutzten Eigentumsdaten schnell und effizient übertragen, automatisch berechnet und Vermögenswerte generiert werden, die für Transaktionen verwendet werden, um menschliche Fehler in öffentlichen Aufzeichnungen zu vermeiden.
  • KAUFEN – Wählen Sie eines der verschiedenen Dinge.
  • MIETEN – Achten Sie auf Ihre Dokumente, bis Sie Ihr Konto erhalten.
  • LISTE – Zeigen Sie Ihr Konto.
  • Nicht aufhören – Buckliger, wenn Sie in ihrem Zustand sind
  • Eine Sache, die anders und wichtig ist.
  • SHARE STATE – Inventory, wo, eine Beziehung, ihre Entscheidungen zu verstehen.
  • CROWDFUNDING – Eines der verschiedenen Dinge. Unsere Designer können den zweiten Teil haben.
Phase 1
In der ersten Phase des C Estates-Projekts konzentriert sich die Plattform auf die Eigenschaftsliste des Maklers, sodass die Plattform eine große Anzahl von anfänglichen DPA-Token enthält.
  • Technologie entwickeln
  • Bei einem Immobilienmakler
  • Hausverwalter an Bord
Phase 2
In der zweiten Phase des Projekts werden von einzelnen Eigentümern bestimmte Objekte hinzugefügt.
  • Aktualisieren Sie die Plattform
  • Auf dem Sekundärmarkt
Phase 3
In der dritten Phase wird ein hypothekengeschützter Token angezeigt. Dies ist eine festverzinsliche Anlage, die an Personen vermietet wird, die nach Geldern suchen, um ihre Häuser zu kaufen.
  • Aktualisieren Sie die Plattform
  • Auf dem Sekundärmarkt
Phase 4
Erweiterung des Kryptowährungsmarktes Holen Sie sich den Asset C Estates ReitX Launch (Exchange REIT).
Weitere Informationen zum CESTATES-Projekt finden Sie unter folgendem Link
Website =>
Telegramm =>
 von : Evan alvaro

In a fast paced and rapidly changing world of cryptocurrency, it is important for cryptocurrency owners, investors, analyst and everyone in the cryptocurrency space to be kept abreast of current trends, innovations and analysis. Absolute control over information is an herculean task if not nearly impossible, there is increased risk of harsh user experience in the world of cryptocurrency and a rapidly advancing technology such as blockchain.
In a world of hackers, fraudsters and individuals who seek to take advantage of other people’s naivety, it is important to have access to tools, data, analysis and information to keep one up to date of current event happening in the everyday crypto space. Information is power, with the right tools, you are indomitable. But gathering these information from various sources proved to be a time sapping and effort consuming task. A perfect solution would be to have an ecosystem which provides these tools to everyone ranging from investors to cryptocurrency experts or people who are newly venturing into the crypto world in one giant platform and this is where POINTPAY comes in.
PointPay is creating a fundamentally new product that combines three services in a single closed-loop ecosystem: PointPay Crypto Bank, PointPay Crypto Exchange platform and PointPay Multi-currency Wallet.
In addition, PointPay has business contacts with more than 50 banks and 25 payment systems, as well as 20 lawyers who deal with issues of licensing cryptobusiness. PointPay have 4 years of experience in supporting the functioning of payment systems, including signing contracts, working with banks, working with other payment systems, paying out funds, and building complex payment schemes. PointPay are currently conducting a crowdfunding campaign through the sale of 500,000,000 PXP tokens in order to raise funds for the development of fully functional versions of the products.
Token Details
PointPay Token will be released based on the Ethereum platform and fully comply with the ERC20 standard. This will ensure security of the transactions, compatibility with the third-party services and will provide seamless and easy integration.
For more information, please visit:

Soft cap: $1,000,000
Hard cap: $30,000,000
Symbol: PXP (PointPay token)
Total supply: 500,000,000
Unsold tokens: to be destroyed
Retail price: 1 PXP = $0.10
Funds Allocation and Token Distribution
For more information, please visit:

Bitcointalk username : Evan alvaro
Fropil link :;u=2640984

XCARD – Spend Anywhere, Any Cryptocurrency, With Any Payment Card

XCARD is the most secure crypto & FIAT wallet and payment card (an absolutely disruptive biometric crypto credit card) which allows 50 mln crypto-users to spend their crypto and FIAT assets instantly all around the world. XCARD makes your experience with crypto as easy as FIAT money whether it’s your first time, or if you’re an advanced user. Together with VISA (Apple Pay and Google Pay wallet enabled) XCARD introduces a Multi-Currency Biometric Crypto Credit Card. XCARD is the only provider of biometric credit cards in the crypto industry worldwide. The card is available as virtual, physical and biometric.


XCARD introduces a utility token, the MBM token that fuels the whole Platform that is the most liquid token in the XCARD Wallet. Once regulation enables legitimate issuance of equity or security tokens, special benefits for investors and MBM token holders will be offered
XCARD has already signed 9 strategic partnerships which include: Santander Bank, Visa (Principal Membership), Gatelab (Part of London Stock Exchange Group), several trading exchanges (e.g. Hybrid Block) and others that wills to utilize in their business models solution provided by the XCARD.
XCARD is the most convenient wallet for crypto & FIAT conversion with access to exchanges all over the world. Built-in internalizer – an arbitrage engine – provides users the best exchange rates available on the market. XCARD Wallet is combined with XCARD Biometric Credit Card, the most secure credit card for instant crypto withdrawal from any ATM.
XCARD’s team has a proven track record of more than 20 years in payment systems, payment cards, exchanges and currency trade systems.
XCARD is a crypto wallet as well as a payment card that enables crypto users to buy their assets instantly all around the world. it is supported by Internalizer, a sort of arbitrate engine. The combination enables the users to have the best currency available in the market. There is also another product from XCARD known also as XCARD Biometric Credit Card. It is the safest credit card to withdraw the crypto from all banks and ATMs.
XCARD is a part of the Mobilum environment. The products involve the wallet, card, exchange, and API foundation. All the features are combined so that an instant platform is developed well. There is also a point transaction system that integrates crypto money into FIAT. With the products, now, you can pay or accept the money and it is definitely your right to determine what currency to be used for the transaction.

How XCARD become perfect crypto wallet?

This question is often asked by many new users. It is reasonable by remembering that there are so many similar products out there. Undeniably, there are some benefits given by XCARD.Meanwhile, there are also features that you may not find in other products.

What are they?

Many people may think that a credit card is the most effective and instant payment method in the world. That’s true but now; there is a similar method, even more practical. It is the credit card feature provided by XCARD.
In general, XCARD is functioned like a credit card but the money to use in the transaction is the crypto currency. It makes available many types of crypto currency. Then, you are free to choose what currency you will use during the transaction. It is reasonable if you can do almost all the transactions even faster and more instantly than the credit card itself. It gives more access to e-commerce, POS, and ATM withdrawals for cash.
  • Easy to Use
It is clear that many people out there are interested in crypto transaction. However, not all of them dare enough to start it all. Many reasons are behind this problem; one of them is that the crypto wallet is considered difficult to use.
XCARD, on the other hand, is provided for both the experts and beginners. So, while the experts can enjoy the easiness and practicality, it is also a good way for the beginners to start to do crypto transaction.
  • Easy On boarding Process
Most of you must have an experience in opening a bank account. So, how is it? Is the process fast and easy? Unfortunately, the answers are mostly not. There are too many requirements to fulfill and much time to waste. Although it is okay to still have a bank account, XCARD is a really good alternative for your financial management. One of them is due to its easiness in term of the on boarding process.
The entire process can be done digitally through a few taps. Besides, doing a transaction using this wallet is also much simpler. Indeed, not all shops and platforms in the world have not yet been supported by this wallet. But you should not worry; XCARD is on the way to expand its services to help you to do all possible transactions.
  • Effective Rates
One of the problems in a conventional transaction is about the rate. It is sometimes really high and it means you must spend more money only for this matter. Interestingly, XCARDmakes sure that the rate is lower and more effective. It is proven bu the aggregates data from different sources including exchanges, pools, and more.
  • The FIAT Feature
XCARD enables you to do transactions with more than 200 digital crypto currencies. Meanwhile, it also features the FIAT exchange things; from FIAT to crypto and vice versa. All of them can be done faster and more instantly. It is compatible with any payment card as well. The feature from XCARD also enables you to buy the products now and pay it later. Again, it gives you more benefits and flexibility for any transaction you want to conduct.

XCARD is the only provider of a complex instant payments solution that features:

  1. an any to any currency conversion with a strong focus on customer experience
  2. a multi-asset wallet equipped in a multi-currency payment carXCARD is the only Wallet & Biometric Crypto Credit Card solution on the market.
For all the benefits mentioned above, it means you need to tryXCARD as your transaction partner. Well, the products are worthy for you to rely on one.


  1. Strategic Reserves – 25%
  2. Partnership – 19%
  3. Liquidity Pool – 17%,
  4. Marketing – 12%
  5. Team – 15.25%
  6. Launchpad Sales – 9%
  7. prize – 2.75%


  1. License & Legal – 5%
  2. Business Guarantee – 50%
  3. Development – 13%
  4. Marketing – 12%
  5. development – 10%
  6. Salary – 10%
  7. License & Legal – 5%

Info token

  1. Ticker: MBM
  2. Type: Utility-token
  3. Murrencies accepted: ETH, BTC, USDT, TEN

Distribution token:

  • 51% – Token Sale
  • 19.25% – Strategic Reserves
  • 13% – Strategic Partnership
  • 15.25% – Team
  • 1% – Prize

Budget allocation:

  • 50% – Liquidity & Guarantee
  • 13% – Business Development
  • 12% – Marketing
  • 10% – Product Development
  • 10% – Salary
  • 5% – License & Legal


  • Q4 2018
MVP XCARD Wallet (Android & iOS) available for first 5K users.
  • Q4 2018
Series B: Private funding, expected target of $ 29 million.
  • Q4 2018
Integration with selected partners: VISA, Santander Bank, GateLab, Exchanges, PSP.
  • Q1 2019
Beta version of XCard Wallet.
  • Q1 2019
Preparation of an internalizer – the latest stock exchange solution – the right machine for instant financial operations.
  • Q2 2019
XCARD wallet airs & is available on the App Store & Play Store.



For information, please go to

Author :Evan alvaro
Eth : 0x2a70D3de93dF57c4D4DCAAB56F5C671185Abf639