Selasa, 30 Juli 2019


Halo semuanya salam hangat untuk anda semua..kembali lagi bersama saya. Dan saat ini saya ingin berbagi informasi yang sangat menarik .yuk kita lihat ulasan berikut ini : 
Alasan cepatnya adalah sekarang ada peningkatan pesat dalam kemiskinan kota dan makanan yang tidak aman. Pada tahun 2020, negara-negara berkembang di Afrika, Asia, dan Amerika Latin akan berada di tempat untuk 75% dari populasi penduduk kota, dan delapan dari sembilan kota besar diharapkan dengan populasi lebih dari 20 juta orang. .
Untuk mengakomodasi produk rantai pasokan pertanian, peserta rantai nilai diperlukan untuk platform, keamanan, transparansi, dan pasar yang andal. Manajemen rantai agro menyediakan jaringan antara pemangku kepentingan utama dan mempromosikan pengiriman sambil mengurangi biaya dan ketidakefisienan.
VFarm percaya pada pertanian vertikal kota sebagai solusi bagi para pemangku kepentingan di atas. Gagasan membangun gedung pencakar langit vertikal farmasi yang menghasilkan tanaman dua kali lebih keras, menggunakan daya 40% lebih sedikit, memiliki limbah makanan 80% lebih sedikit, dan penggunaan air kurang dari 99% ruangan mungkin sebagai jalan ke depan.
Sistem VFarm adalah teknologi perkotaan berbasis teknologi yang tidak didukung, dilisensikan oleh Agrosky Sdn. Bhd. (ASSB), spesialis pertanian vertikal. Sistem ini menyediakan lapisan blockchain DLT yang tidak membuat penggantian yang tidak perlu diubah untuk setiap batch produk untuk memungkinkan verifikasi sumber, penanaman, pengemasan dan distribusi. Ini juga memungkinkan pengguna ekosistem tidak hanya kemampuan untuk menyiapkan makanan tetapi juga untuk pengaruh sosial melalui pilihan produk.
Model ekonomi VFarm didasarkan pada usaha sosial (SE) sejalan dengan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan PBB (SDGs). SE adalah pembangunan masa depan karena dapat memecahkan beberapa masalah pembangunan yang tidak dapat diatasi oleh donor atau pemerintah. Ini adalah inovasi yang tidak mengandung perubahan perilaku dan karena itu membutuhkan semua energi saat ini di Base of Population (BOP).
Meningkatkan populasi BOP termasuk wanita sebagai kantor kota sebagai bagian dari komunitas petani di kota.
VFarm percaya sebagai ekosistem yang tidak mendukung komunitas yang tidak meningkatkan kewirausahaan, yang didukung oleh konten dan Imbalan yang tinggi dan platform hosting yang didasarkan pada blok adalah solusinya.
Meskipun petani vertikal tidak belajar untuk mengganti pertanian tradisional, mereka harus bekerja sama untuk menemukan sumber makanan. Ini adalah ekonomi yang bijak, ramah lingkungan, cerdas teknologi, dan yang paling penting, peka terhadap kesehatan. Tidak ada lagi posting vertikal untuk dikatakan, sekarang telah terjadi!
Populasi dunia bergerak cepat di daerah perkotaan dan kekurangan makanan dan air, penyakit dan penghasilan. Dari 2020-2025, kota-kota "dunia" akan hidup lebih dari 4,5 juta orang dan praktik pertanian sekarang hanya mampu memprediksi 30% dari hasil yang diperlukan. Pemahaman yang cepat dan realitas kotor dari kemiskinan perkotaan membutuhkan strategi ad hoc untuk memastikan sistem pangan dan distribusi yang memadai untuk memenuhi tingkat konsumsi sumber daya perkotaan. Selain makanan, kemiskinan, pengangguran, kelaparan dan kekurangan makanan di lingkungan perkotaan dan pinggiran kota di seluruh dunia. Faktanya, tatanan kota telah menjadi komponen penting dari strategi bertahan hidup dari bagian populasi yang lebih miskin, serta faktor penting untuk rantai pasokan laut. Pertanian perkotaan juga merupakan sumber tenaga kerja dan pendapatan, dan memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan tempat penampungan perkotaan yang dibutuhkan.
Ada kebutuhan mendesak dan mendesak untuk menyediakan semakin banyak orang makanan yang berkelanjutan. Teknologi yang tidak menjawab masalah akan mencapai USD 317 miliar dalam jangkauan revolusi pertanian.
Dan permintaan ini sebagai sistem pertanian vertikal yang tinggi dengan kapasitas dapat melebihi 360 kali per lapangan daripada tanaman konvensional dan dapat menanam makanan, kosmetik, dan produk obat. Sistem juga harus segera menggunakan 'kota-kota asing di dunia'.
Pengguna dapat melihat lingkungan ekosistem (penggunaan air, jejak karbon, penggunaan nutrisi) dan kendala sosial-ekonomi (efek permintaan untuk pendidikan). VFarm bertujuan untuk kantor perkotaan dengan modul Sistem VFarm secara global.
Sistem VFarm dapat diterapkan pada tanaman, produksi dan distribusi tanaman untuk digunakan dalam makanan, kosmetik dan keperluan medis.
Fundamental pasar VFarm Kuala Lumpur dan London bekerja sama dengan pemangku kepentingan untuk menggunakan pemangku kepentingan yang tidak memiliki gedung Daftar-A di Segitiga Emas Kuala Lumpur dan London Pusat.
VFarm - “Penetrasi Pasar Perkotaan”
Dengan kombinasi permintaan untuk menghasilkan tanaman segar dan lemah di pusat-pusat kota Kuala Lumpur yang kaya, atapnya ditemukan sebagai papan yang dapat ditemukan untuk makanan dan langkah-langkah proaktif untuk membangun masa depan yang tersisa dari kota. Banyak lambung tinggi yang tidak digunakan dipertimbangkan. Tempat atap dapat dipilih dengan cermat ke lokasi yang strategis, sehingga Anda dapat menghubungkan koneksi nyata antara petani dan konsumen, panen ternak akan dikirim pada waktu itu bukan hal baru. Selain efek dari komunitas ekonomi, mengubah atap menjadi atap hijau mencapai tren di kota-kota di dunia berkembang, yang mengarah ke "memperluas" kota pertanian, juga disebut anorganik,
Ekosistem produksi pertanian baik, para peserta rantai nilai pertanian membutuhkan platform yang aman, transparan, dapat diandalkan dan demokrasi merek, tetapi untuk menghormati pertanian urban Tennis dengan kontribusi luar biasa terhadap pengembangan kota adalah mandiri dan kuat, yang mencakup sosial, keamanan pangan, produktivitas tinggi dan lingkungan yang sehat. Praktek pertanian yang berkelanjutan, aman dan transparan adalah salah satu pilar terpenting kehidupan manusia.
Dengan semangat konstruksi manusia sebagai panduan utama kami, VFarm didirikan untuk menyelesaikan pertumbuhan sosial ekonomi dengan ide dan proyek yang mapan. Dengan kolaborasi dengan para pemangku kepentingan dan mitra dalam teknologi strategis menyediakan elemen-elemen yang dibutuhkan (Teknologi, Konstruksi, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Branding), kami berupaya memanfaatkan pertumbuhan pada model sosial manusia kelas dunia dari perusahaan sosial sosial kami.
VFarm menunjukkan bahwa modul kami terus mendapatkan manfaat. Tanpa menghasilkan keuntungan, bisnis tidak akan mencukupi dan potensi pertumbuhan akan dilakukan. Namun, kami memiliki tujuan yang lebih besar daripada asal dan laba, karena pengaruh positif itu penting. Para pendiri kami ingin mendorong perkembangan ekonomi sosial dengan mengintegrasikan tanggung jawab sosial dan kewirausahaan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi sosial. Ini ditentukan oleh modul ekonomi kami sebagai 14 dari 17 Sasaran Pembangunan lulusan UNDP yang tidak terkait dengan pertanian.
VFarm didasarkan pada pertanian revolusioner, dipatenkan dengan alat IOT inovatif untuk menghasilkan pertumbuhan dalam proses pertumbuhan. Petani teknologi VFarm telah diteliti, diuji, dan berlaku di lembaga penelitian nasional untuk menjadi produktif pada tahun 2014, oleh "Pabrik" yang dikombinasikan dengan teknologi vertikal dan teknologi ujung vertikal (seperti LED, sistem Estate NFT, irigasi otomatis dan sistem fertigasi,), yang dirancang untuk membuat spesifikasi dan persyaratan MyGAP (Good Agriculture Practice Malaysia), gmp (Good Manufacturing Practice) dan Zampiteam (Analisis Bahaya dan Titik Kendali Kritis).
Sistem Eco-VFarm mencakup semua proses perawatan rantai. Layer blockchain VFarm DLT membuat catatan yang mungkin tidak berlaku untuk semua paket produk untuk menonaktifkan otentikasi sumber inti, produksi dan transportasi pembantu. Di tanah, teknologi kami teknologi vertikal terbaru seperti sistem pencahayaan LED sangat efisien dengan berbagai warna yang dapat disesuaikan dan lampu daya untuk menghasilkan pengumpulan gula pada tanaman memungkinkan lebih banyak energi untuk tumbuh. Suhu, irigasi, dan nutrisi seimbang juga diatur secara otomatis untuk setiap tanaman spesifik yang berbeda untuk memungkinkan produsen untuk memotong rata-rata dengan VFarm lebih tinggi dari rumah kaca atau kultivar tradisional tertutup. Solusi Nutrisi dibangun di atas kontrol dan pengelolaan alokasi nutrisi, sementara biofilter disebut solusi neupportake oleh bakteri yang berguna.
VFarm telah mulai menanam pertanian di Segitiga Emas pertama kami di Kuala Lumpur pada Mei 2019, dan diharapkan akan kembali pada panen pertama pada akhir Juli 2019. Peternakan ini pertama kali dirancang untuk menghasilkan 20 ton dari tanam setiap bulan, yang diperdagangkan oleh perusahaan pertanian kontrak.

Informasi Lebih lanjut :
Evan alvaro

Senin, 29 Juli 2019


DavorcoinX – лучшая цифровая монета

DAVORX, который использует базу данных Ethereum Blockchain, не контролируется какой-либо стороной, но настолько открыт для публики, что для кого-то невозможно подделать транзакции в Blockchain. Все транзакции записываются в реальном времени, прозрачно и распределяются по нескольким серверам. Те, кто хочет изменить или подделать данные транзакции DAVORX, должны одновременно взломать несколько серверов.
Davorcoin X (DAVX) – это цифровая валюта, которая была создана с целью предоставить лучшую, экономически выгодную и более безопасную альтернативу популярным криптовалютам, таким как Биткойн и Ethereum.
Davorcoin X (DAVX) – одна из самых уважаемых монет года с точки зрения безопасности и функциональности. Монета DAVX – это решение многих вопросов, связанных с вашими платежами.

Что такое DavorCoinX?

DAVX – это токен ERC20, разработанный на блокчейне Ethereum. Как и Ether, DAVX можно переносить с одного аккаунта на другой прозрачным и децентрализованным способом.
Общий объем поставок DAVX ограничен 27 миллионами, что означает, что монет будет выпущено не больше, чем это число. Это необходимо для сдерживания дефляции и обеспечения справедливого спроса на монеты на рынке. По мере увеличения спроса на монету будет расти и ее цена, поскольку общее предложение фиксировано.
Поскольку DAVX запущен с целью обеспечения безопасности и прозрачности глобальных транзакций, основное внимание уделялось его децентрализации. Другие особенности монеты включают в себя:
Передача мгновенного Peer to Peer
Одноранговый сам по себе означает, что DAVORCOIN X работает без центрального сервера. Сервер хранения децентрализован и распределен, разделен на различные серверы, управляемые каждым пользователем, подключенным к сети.
Перевести деньги легко
Как и Биткойн, его можно отправить в любое время, в любом месте и в любое время. Перевод денег с помощью DAVORCOIN X возможен только с помощью смартфона и подключения к Интернету.
Плата за перевод очень мала до нуля
Плата за перевод может быть снята до тех пор, пока она не станет бесплатной, но для ускорения транзакций вы можете установить стоимость в кошельке DAVORX по мере необходимости, независимо от того, сколько отправлено монет
Транзакции DAVORX являются анонимными
Все транзакции, которые мы сделали, можно увидеть, но мы не знаем, кто является владельцем адреса DAVORX, если владелец не сообщает об этом. Каждый пользователь DAVORX может фактически выбрать, будет ли отображаться его имя, но даже если пользователь хочет сохранить свою личность в тайне, все его транзакции все еще записываются и могут отслеживаться с помощью блокчейна.
Транзакции очень просты
Вы можете перевести DAVORXN в любую точку мира, если она подключена к Интернету. DAVORXN будет зачислен на кошелек DAVORX.
1. Зарегистрируйтесь через веб-кошелек или загрузите приложение Wallet,
2. Введите адрес DAVORX от оппонента транзакции и сумму DAVORX, которую вы хотите перевести
3. Клик кнопку отправки.

Продажа DAVX ICO (первичное предложение монет) будет проходить в два этапа:

Официальная предварительная продажа DavorcoinX началась 1 июля 2019 года. 10-дневная распродажа завершится 10 июля. Заинтересованные пользователи могут принять участие в продаже токена, зарегистрировавшись на сайте. Вот все, что вам нужно знать о предварительной продаже DavorcoinX (DAVX). Вторая распродажа «Public ICO» начинается с 15 июля по 14 августа 2019 года.
Дата начала предпродажной подготовки: 1 июля 2019 г.
Количество токенов для пре-ICO: 1 000 000 токенов
Дата окончания продажи: 10 июля 2019 г.
DAVX Цена в пре-ICO: 0,5 $
Поддерживаемые валюты: BTC

Как купить DAVX?

Davorcoin X – относительно новая валюта, которая еще не была представлена ​​на рынке. Лучший способ получить в свои руки монеты DavorX – принять участие в распродаже ICO.
DavorX ICO будет проходить в два этапа – до ICO и публичной ICO.
Предварительная продажа Davorcoin X начнется 1 июля и завершится 10 июля. В результате десятидневной продажи будет выпущен 1 миллион DAVX, которые будут продаваться по сниженной цене.
Публичная ICO Davorcoin X будет проходить с 15 июля по 14 августа. Это месячная распродажа, и в ходе публичной ICO будет продано 6 миллионов монет.
Итак, самый простой и быстрый способ купить DavorcoinX – это инвестировать в предстоящую продажу ICO. Предварительная продажа предназначена только для частных инвесторов, которым будет предоставлен эксклюзивный тариф и бонус за раннее инвестирование.
Читайте также: Почему DavorcoinX (DAVX) – лучшая инвестиция в блокчейн на 2019 год?
Как принять участие в монете DAVX ICO?
Участие в ICO продаже монеты DAVX довольно простое. Вот шаги, чтобы следовать.
1. Посетите веб-сайт
2. Нажмите кнопку  Зарегистрироваться сейчас  на главной странице. Заполните ваши данные в регистрационной форме.
3. Подтвердите свою электронную почту.
4. Теперь войдите в свою учетную запись Davor X, используя тот же адрес электронной почты и пароль, которые вы использовали при регистрации.
5. На панели инструментов своего кошелька введите сумму DAVX, которую вы хотите приобрести.
6. Убедитесь, что на вашем кошельке достаточно денег для транзакции. Произвести оплату.
7. После успешного завершения транзакции вы получите подтверждающее сообщение.
Помимо продажи ICO, есть несколько других способов получить в свои руки некоторые монеты DavorcoinX (DAVX) или повысить ценность ваших монет.
Кредитование DAVX – Вы можете одолжить свои монеты другим пользователям и заработать на этом значительный процент.
Ставки на монеты – Вы можете хранить монеты DAVX и получать огромные прибыли в течение более длительных периодов времени.
Торговля – DAVX будет котироваться на нескольких крипто биржах, где вы можете обменять их на другие валюты и активы для получения прибыли.
Партнерская программа DAVX предназначена для тех, кто хочет заработать больше монет, продвигая DAVX в мире. Эти партнеры и участники получат партнерский бонус в виде монет.

ICO Подробности

Время предварительной продажи: 1 июля 2019 года – 10 июля 2019 года
Время ICO: 15 июля 2019 года – 14 августа 2019 года
Белый список / KYC: Белый список + KYC
Страна: Сингапур
Информация о токене
Тикер: DAVX
Платформа: Эфириум
Тип токена: ERC-20
Доступно для продажи: 6 000 000 DAVX
Общий объем поставок: 16 000 000 DAVX
Цена перед продажей: 1 DAVX = 0.5 USD
ICO Цена: 1 DAVX = 1,1 USD
Принятие: ETH
Мягкая шапка: 500 000 долларов США
Жесткая крышка: 5 500 000 долларов США
День 1-5 1 DAVX = 0,7 USD
День 6-10 1 DAVX = 0,8 USD
День 11-15 1 DAVX = 0,9 USD
День 16-25 1 DAVX = 1 USD

Дорожная карта DavorcoinX

Июль 2019
Pre Sale 1 миллион
Первоначальное предложение монет «ICO»
Кошелёк и декстоп
Август 2019
Листинг на внутренней бирже
Целевая цена 10 $
Интернет Маркетинговая Кампания
Оффлайн маркетинговая кампания
Программа кредитования
Сентябрь 2019
IOS Кошелек
Новая пара ETH, USDT
Октябрь 2019
Блокчейн Школа Обучение
Блокчейн Конфренс
Ноябрь 2019
Целевая цена $ 50
Торговое партнерство
Партнерство программ
Тренировочный центр
DAVORX Debitcard
Местный обменник
И больше….

Команда DavorcoinX

Марк С. Рибе-Ретлисбергер: исполнительный председатель, генеральный директор
Дэн Иннес: директор по маркетингу и соучредитель
Davinder Pal Singh Sawhney: главный технический директор (CTO)
Ян Янг: главный операционный директор
Максимилиан Ранг: Советник Совета
Элизабет Фам: руководитель исследований
Нэнси Нгуен: аналитик данных
Джан Ле: аналитик данных


Профессор д-р Николай Вендланд: Советник Правления
Д-р Килиан Кемпфен: Советник Совета
Стефан Гросс: Советник Совета

Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите:

Спасибо от меня:
Автор: Evan alvaro
ETH Адрес: 0x2a70D3de93dF57c4D4DCAAB56F5C671185Abf639

Kamis, 25 Juli 2019

Invech Licensed Crypto Exchange

Invech Group is a business operated by the government of Timor Leste to manage and blockchain and also cryptocurrency service. It is a partnership assembled by a big organisation group as well as professionals from Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and also Timor Leste. We intend to create Timor Leste right into cryptocurrency as well as bring investments right into Timor-Leste to revitalise the economic climate of this brand-new post-war nation. Invech Group has been granted an overall of 9 service licenses in Timor Leste.

The development of the current electronic modern technology such as the Blockchain artificial intelligence can transform into an electronic economic climate. To ensure that the growth of smart cities in different developing countries likewise able to drives the economic situation of the country of course.And the capacity of today’s electronic economic climate should be balanced with technical advancement. This needs to be required by industrial development centres to support the improvement of human resources, technical advances as well as the growth of brand-new entrepreneurs.
The platform will certainly generate a holistic technique to the advancement of a cryptocurrency exchange. To start with, it will certainly be secure, convenient, multilingual as well as available to customers globally. Ideal orders will be provided for sellers and also purchasers at the most effective offered cost. Multicurrency pocketbooks for storage will be supplied. All cryptocurrencies will be immediately shielded by freezer. The complete book of warrants providing the essential liquidity. To make sure effective communication between cryptocurrencies and also fiat cash, ingenious as well as easy to use software has actually been established. The software program interface is multilingual. Significantly, there is assistance for working with fiat funds and a withdrawal system will certainly be thought out in the future.
This is a very useful suggestion for solving numerous problems that currently exist in this region.
Behind this exchange is Invech Group, licensed and also approved by the government of Timor Leste as well as created by a group of seasoned businessmen, professionals from Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia. The task has already obtained 9 licenses for doing company in various instructions.
INVECH tokens will enable residents to finally get rid of the continuous fast-growing rising cost of living, as they now utilize just other traditional currencies and do not publish their very own. It will certainly also offer a flow of brand-new investments from anywhere in the world to the development of regional small and medium-sized enterprises.
IVthe token will be the primary token that the INVECH system will make use of. Token IV will certainly function not only on a crypto currency exchange, but likewise on ventures that have actually obtained an equivalent certificate. The token will deal with the ethereum block chain on the ERC20 system. The variety of symbols developed will not enhance. The main trading pairs will certainly be BTC, ETH, USDT.Over time, new crypto currencies will certainly be included from among the strongest in regards to capitalization.
The team intends to expand the use of symbols, here is just a little list of them: health care, pay-roll, insurance policy, education, e-Commerce, repayment systems. After all, the distributed computer registry system helps to catch a large quantity of information, promptly evaluate them and also reason for more efficient as well as necessary remedies for people.Invech likewise wants to set an example and develop public blockchain services so as to get a brand-new even more sustainable economic model with high revenues, to develop a platform for order management and purchase, where all procedures will be clear and straightforward.

My bitcointalk USERNAME :  Evan alvaro


The discovery of blockchain technology will change many of our habits. There will be changes in the fields of finance, industry, gambling and many other sectors. It was observed that there were various problems in each region. The casino sector has special problems. The first is not transparency. This causes a lack of trust. Another problem is the problem associated with account restrictions and withdrawal limits. The customer must transfer funds from his account to the casino operator. However, when this deposit is transferred from the customer’s account to the casino account, the customer does not have control of the money. Thus, there are applications that harm the customer. High game costs also appear as another problem.

The aim of the AIO casino is to offer only one casino. To improve game options for users and bring changes to player benefits. AIO will be a revolution in the casino market. AIO gives users full control of their funds, a very important difference compared to other casinos. With this blockchain model, it will form a standard in casinos. Agreements based on the Tron blockchain will be made in ecosystems that operate with smart contracts. With new games, users will be able to withdraw to casinos operating on the web.The casino will have a web browser that is connected to the internet at the AIO casino. Users will be able to access the site with any device; they will be able to use the mobile version that looks web. This will be a multilingual platform that will support English at the beginning of regulation in transparency and justice with smart agreements.

These games:

Game dadu AIO
Putar AIO
Designed as a game like AIO Moon. 

The AIO management team will consist of technology experts and professionals. Professionals with more than five years of work experience will work on game development, central planning and design. AIO coins are based on the ERC20 standard designed on the Ethereum network. AIO coins will be used in the operation of the platform. Users can get dividends by freezing tokens. AIO coin owners can participate in central decisions and vote.

Token AIO

AIO Coins are ERC-20 tokens based on Ethereum Blockchain. 
The main function of AIO tokens is to receive dividends from the casino if you want to “freeze” the coin.

Frozen Frozen Feature

The option is one of the special features for AIO tokens. By freezing coins, users really get it 
freeze their coins and receive dividends from the casino. If users freeze their AIO tokens, these tokens will be stored for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the user receives his first dividend. In addition, users get the ability to “cash in” their AIO tokens. Dividends are paid to the user account every 12 hours. Dividends are generated by betting commissions.

Metric Token Token

Name: AIOcasino
Token symbol: AIO
Total Supply: 2,900,000 AIO
Supply Sales: 2.320,000 AIOs
Blockchain used: Ethereum
Standard token: ERC20
TokenSalePrice: 175,000 will be announced
$ 635,000 soft hat $ hard hat



Based on the data and facts seen, AIO Casino is very good for review and investment. This is based on the reality for now, many projects are not good, and makes everyone who invests a lot of questions about their certainty and truth, so if you want to invest in this project, you should read all about the article that I made, so you can find out more about this ICO project from them.

More info:

Twitter: AioCasino 

Username: Evan alvaro
Address ETH: 0x2a70D3de93dF57c4D4DCAAB56F5C671185Abf639

Senin, 22 Juli 2019



Blockchain is leaving a mark on the world by moving force from brought together elements under the control of the purchasers. It has enabled individuals to deal with their very own benefits without the intercession of any banks, intermediaries, or institutional screens. This is an appreciated need since individuals chance an excessive amount of today by permitting their crypto resources for be constrained by a focal element. They don’t understand that it isn’t them however Wallets, Exchanges, and Lending Platforms that are controlling their advantages. Thus, they have surrendered control of their personality, protection, and cash since they accept that they don’t have a decision. In any case, not any longer.
We mean to be the passageway that gives individuals this decision. BtcCredit is an across the board decentralized wallet which gives you full oversight of your Blockchain advantage for Hold, Exchange, Lend, Borrow, Invest, and Stake. This record plots the plan of a Decentralized Next-Gen Banking Ecosystem that is fueled by decentralized multi-money wallet, decentralized p2p loaning, and decentralized p2p Exchange capabilitie

Market Analysis of P2P Lending

It is refered to, that “As indicated by Morgan Stanley, the market for Global Marketplace Lending may reach $290bn. by 2020, with a normal Compound Annual Growth Rate of 51% from 2014 to 2020.”
The BTC Credit group is attempting to feature the capability of this market, so as to clarify that their genuinely inventive distributed wallet arrangement holds extraordinary potential.

Fixing the Lending Market

Today the expansion balanced loan fee in various nations differs dependent on the accessible liquidity. In high liquidity advertise, Europe, financing costs are between 0.5-5 %, in Russia 12-15 %, in India 12 % and in Brazil 32 %. This demonstrates an unmistakable disparity in the manner access to the loaning business sector is dispersed over the world. We accept that this disparity between the borrowers ought to be leveled and tremendous market worth can be made all the while, particularly through chances of Arbitrage. Banks charge 5-12% enthusiasm on advances and repay you 0-1% for holding your benefits with them. With the ascent of digital currencies and Blockchain, you would now be able to turn into your own financial organization. BtcCredit makes this a reality for you. Not simply this, you choose whom you need to loan your cash to, on which financing cost, and it what mode. The majority of this is accessible gratitude to Blockchain innovation, on which the Wallet of BtcCredit depends on.

Customary P2P-Lending

Customary P2P loaning is like institutional loaning, where some proportion of record as a consumer and financial soundness of the borrower is considered. The reliability of the borrower chooses the kind of credit bargain he/she is advertised. The technique to ascertain the hazard/financial assessment is overseen through exclusive calculations/man-made consciousness. The separation is likewise kept up through how defaults are dealt with, and punishments are forced.

Crypto P2P-Lending

There are some current Crypto loaning stages which are following diverse plans of action. Toward one side they are a simply like a customary p2p loaning stage with the capacity to acknowledge digital currencies as guarantees. On the opposite end, they convey the whole credit contract on the blockchain and execute occasions on the advance understanding through shrewd contracts.
The blockchain innovation, with its completely straightforward and upright exchange record, frames the perfect framework for dealing with the credit with its parameters like residency, financing cost, crypto insurance, and so forth.

Focused Analysis

P2P Lending Platforms can be partitioned into three fundamental classes:
  1. Customary P2P – Lending inside a similar nation and in that nation’s money
  2. Digital currency without Smart Contract – Lending all around with cryptographic forms of money like Bitcoin
  3. Digital currency utilizing Smart Contract – Lending utilizing Blockchain Smart Contract as a middle of the road.

Outstanding Competitors

Loaning Club (Traditional P2P) – Lending Club is a US distributed loaning organization, headquartered in San Francisco, California. It was the principal distributed moneylender to enroll its contributions as protections with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and to offer advance exchanging on an optional market. Loaning Club works a web based loaning stage that empowers borrowers to get a credit and financial specialists to buy notes sponsored by installments made on them. Loaning Club is the world’s biggest distributed loaning platform.The organization guarantees that $15.98 billion in advances have begun through its stage up to December 31, 2015. BTCPOP (Cryptocurrency Loan without Smart Contract) – BTCPOP Ltd. was established in 2014 and has formed into a built up shared loaning site. BTCPOP’s distributed loaning depends on notoriety and not using a loan score. Clients can get advances from different individuals or make cash by loaning – all by utilizing Bitcoin. The BTCPOP arrangement doesn’t offer Smart Contracts.
ETHLend (Cryptocurrency Using Smart Contract) – A completely decentralized shared loaning stage utilizing Smart Contract on Ethereum Blockchain for loaning Ether by utilizing tokens as an insurance. Yet, ETHLend does not produce scores, nor does it offer any Compensation Fund to ensure banks. Recently, they have added a segment to their WhitePaper about prophets and protection, yet it clashes with their methodology of utilizing tokens as insurance, so the circumstance is indistinct
SALT (Fiat Using Cryptocurrency as Collateral) – Centralized fiat monetary forms advance stage for advance sums higher than $5000. It utilizes the Smart Contract just for storing digital currency as guarantee. Their objective market is borrowers with cryptographic forms of money who would prefer not to exchange their digital currency into fiat monetary standards. Just certify speculators and qualified monetary organizations can move toward becoming moneylenders on SALT.

The Lender’s Pride

The Lender’s Pride stage proposes to empower a credit commercial center with some special highlights. The framework being proposed will shape a discussion for moneylenders and borrowers to check advance and credit demand contributions including the advance parameters being advertised. In light of their own hazard discernment capacity to reimburse intrigue, the banks and borrowers will “handshake” with one another to make a credit concession to the blockchain.

How Can it Work?

As a loan specialist, a client enters the framework and assets his framework created Wallet with USDTs. The framework makes a loaning profile where his worthy credit parameters are recorded. The moneylender’s advance profile turns into a piece of a “credit commercial center”. As a borrower, the client enters the framework with his framework produced Bitcoin wallet. The bitcoin assets in the wallet structure the security against the potential credit. The getting prerequisite additionally turns into a piece of the “credit commercial center”. A framework inner rationale naturally matches and proposes existing credits and borrowers. A borrower or moneylender can likewise physically choose from a lot of advance contributions or borrower’s necessities.
When an advance is chosen, and the two sides consent to the parameters on the book, a “handshake” is said to have occurred, which will bring about a sending of a brilliant contract on the Ethereum network. The borrower’s wallet will be subsidized with the mentioned USDT and a calendar for reimbursement gets made.
The reimbursement is recorded as the borrower stores the portion of USDT again into his WSDT wallet. A lot of terms and conditions kick in on the off chance that the installment is deferred, isn’t sufficient or is more than required portion.
Characterizing the BTC Credit Platform Keeping the rivals as a main priority and examining the economic situations and patterns, BTC Credit has had the option to distinguish 4 key verticals with regards to the administrations offered by its Wallet:
  1. P2P Lending and Borrowing
  2. P2P Crypto Exchange
  3. Handpicked ICO Investments
  4. Interests through Staking
These administrations will be offered with the assistance of a Wallet on the stage. Think about the stage as a Bank and the Wallet as a Bank Account. Comparable to the Banking System today, the client can stack the Wallet with fiat or digital forms of money and utilize the assets to benefit benefits in all the 4 verticals referenced previously.

Reimbursement Conditions

At the point when the Contract is finished or in the event of dispossession the borrower’s solicitation for the arrival of their guarantee of BTC stored they can raise a solicitation for BTC withdrawal and it very well may be finished.
Typical reimbursements – The Admin Pays the Lender portion routinely and the Borrower pays the Admin Regularly, the framework will be advised by the blockchain of the following portion date of the Borrower.
Portion Delayed – If the Borrower Missed the date to Pay the portion the API Interface will inform the Front-finish of the Missing portion of the Borrower. The borrower gets 3 days of elegance period to pay the portion. on the off chance that the portion is paid inside 3 days no fine will be charged.
Portion Delayed and Missed – If the Borrower missed the date of portion he will be given 3 days of an effortlessness period and even he misses to pay the Borrower will be fined for the specific portion.
Borrower Defaulter – If the Borrower can’t pay 3 back to back portions the framework will be advised by the blockchain as the Borrower is Defaulter and the Front end can Confiscate its insurance.
Pre Closure Loan – If the borrower needs to Pre Close the agreement he can close the Contract by paying the Principle + 5% Interest and close the agreement yet he can do just on the off chance that he has paid 3 successive portions
Additional portion Payment – Here the portion Amount is 1010 Every 30 Days, accepting the client stores 1500 USDT/LTD and he is happy to pay more than the portion Amount he can do it, however the following regularly scheduled payment sum doesn’t change its sort of dispossession that implied the additional sum will be deducted from the last portion, so if the sum is more prominent than the Last introduce.
Author: Evan alvaro
Eth :0x2a70D3de93dF57c4D4DCAAB56F5C671185Abf639